The book “The Gordian Knot” was inspired by a sermon I gave at a small county church I was the co-pastor of. As I went on stage, prepared to deliver my sermon, I heard the Holy Spirit call to me. The Holy Spirit began talking through me, adding more wisdom to my message, and suddenly it felt like I was no longer standing at the pulpit. I was no longer looking at my notes but slowly pacing back and forth on the stage, conveying the new message.

I hesitated at one point as I started to see where this was all going, and then quickly resumed preaching. Immediately following the pastor’s closing prayer, a member of the church’s visiting clergy jumped up and came rushing up the center aisle to where I was standing, yelling, “That wasn’t you! That wasn’t you! That was the Holy Spirit!” And with that, the congregation had become quiet, and all eyes were on me as I calmly answered back with a big smile; “You’re right, that was the Holy Spirit!”

The experience changed my life and inspired me to write a book where I could share the message of the Holy Spirit not just with my congregation but with anyone and anywhere in the world.

The Gordian Knot

This book is dedicated to the countless souls who lost their lives on the battlefield of the womb, being found guilty of nothing other than being created in the image and likeness of God Himself, with the expectation of choosing to receive and serve Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

It is also dedicated to the countless heroic women who humbly received God-given life in their womb as a gift; to love, nurture and cherish the precious souls now thriving on this earth.

Take a Quick Peek into Our Bestseller

My heart aches for every child who is denied a chance at life. My heart goes to the woman who believed she couldn’t bear having a child and that abortion was her only option. I’m sure she’s hurting much more now, which bothers me…


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